Saturday, June 28, 2014

5 - Goodwinds Arrow to the Rescue

Once again I awoke to the now familiar sound of rain on the tent.  Today I was not walking far so I took the opportunity to sleep in.  I went through the usual routine of a walk to the bathroom followed by breakfast in the tent.

By 11:00am there was a break in the weather.  I had had enough of leisure time in the tent, charging my phone in the bathroom, and reading my backpacker magazine.  I packed up camp and hit the roads to Garibaldi.  Of course, as I walked pass the entrance station the rain started up again.

My 2.5 mile road walk on Hwy 101 into Garibaldi confirmed my decision to get off trail.  The roadsplash makes a wet hike wetter and I just don't like my brush with passing vehicles.  At one point on the highway there was one foot of space between the white line and the guard rail.  As I looked back at the line of traffic headed my way I imagined myself squashed between the guard rail and the speeding cars.  On the other side of the guard rail was a steep bank down to a paralleling railroad.  I opted to take my chances with the railroad.  At least I could jump out to the rocks lining the bank to avoid a train.  Lucky for me the Coastal Explorer did not pass through this 1 mile stretch during my time on the tracks.  Once past the squeeze, I got back onto Hwy 101 and continued onto Garibaldi.

In town I found the Lumberman's Memorial Park where there was a covered shelter.  Here is where I left the OCT route.  I went through some mixed emotions about leaving the trail.  I feel like I am giving up on it.  I went through my excuses; rain, foot rash, nagging blister under the ball of my foot, lack of camping, road walking.  Although these help make me feel better, they are still only excuses.  What made me feel okay about my decision was this; I simply do not like the OCT route and why spend my time on a route that I do not like?  There are miles and miles of other trails out there to explore.  Through the years I have proven myself as a hiker, I do not need to walk a route for the sake of adding it to the list.

So I waited under the shelter until my Dad was able to pick me up.  This would be the time to give a big thanks to Mom and Dad and my sister for putting up with my wishy washy ways and pulling me out of shenanigans like this.  When there is a will there is a way, but such support sure makes it a hell of a lot easier.  Thank you!

I am not sure I am going to completely abandon the Oregon Coast Trail.  However, if I do come back to the trail it will be to complete the "trail" sections.  I will have a car or support to help shuttle me around the road sections and provide access to camping/sleeping locations off trail for the night.

Until the next adventure!
Happy Trails,
Midnight Chocolate
and Sleeping Dragon

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