Oregon Coast Trail

The Oregon Coast Trail is approximately 370 miles long and extends from the border of California north to the border of Washington (or the Columbia Riverside as I don't plan to swim to the middle).  Just as its name implies it follows the coastline of Oregon's beaches, rocky outcrops, and at times Highway 101.

In search of something to do before my sisters wedding I have decided to attempt a through hike of the not quite finished Oregon Coast Trail.  There seems to be a growing amount of information on the internet about the trail, but not nearly as much as I have seen published for other long trails.  If I can remember to keep the batteries fresh in the GPS, I hope to provide future Oregon Coast Trail through hikers with a GPX file of the entire route (or at least the route how I was able to walk it.)

Below is a copy of the Oregon Parks Map depicting the route, or rather outlining the Oregon Coastline.  Hope you enjoy the posts!
- Midnight Chocolate


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